However, it seems that my topic......which related to sports activity might stimulate the response....perhaps I'm right....
The questions from L-Shape & Mona-ice.....(I'm sorry.....I don't know whether you're Muslim or not)
The question of "too much" of course......will differ from individual to individual.....
For would be.....too much....if.....the abdomen area...being exposed excessively....
Particularly, my wife is strongly advised to avoid such outfits.....and she really marvelous as she knows my expectation.....and....put herself restricted to those kinds of outfits......
T& long as the limitation as required by Muslim's ok for me.....long cover at least 3-4 inches below the knee...and no abdomen area exposed (from umbilicus to knee must be covered accordingly).....the singlet-type strongly not advisable for it may not able to cover umbilicus accordingly..thus exposed the aurat.....
She spent much money to buy all the outfits....and...she makes me she always meets my expectation..... cannot be denied that there are a few of her friends to wear something fulfil their styles and wants during the aerobics session........They're pretty enjoyed it I guessed......
It doesn't matter for me at all......I think.....their hubbies/bfs expect them to wear like that.....and feel comfortable with it........but certainly not for I wife knows the limitation and manages to follow the right advised.......
The pics below....are the examples of aerobics outfits.....
1. Too much...for me of course

2. Ok....

Anonymous said...
....hmmm....aerobics much is too much anyway?????-L-shape-
December 9, 2008 7:40 AM
Anonymous said...
hi....what a nice posting...both of you are really love sports....err....don't you want to share your T&C about the outfits????-mona-ice-
December 9, 2008 7:45 AM
Anonymous said... it "too much" = sexy????
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