I as always be...very outspoken type of person...commented openly to a teacher at the SKJ 2....(my son is in standard 1 there...) about a spelling mistake......
It's very unfortunate for the English teachers there didn't notice the spelling mistake....an"E" which brings very big differences.
I went to buy some workbooks.....at the school on 27 December 2008....and noticed something wrong on the wall....of the school's bookstore....."STATIONARY"...
I...must do something....as the mistake has been there quite sometime...(I think....it's at least 6 months on the wall.....since the "STATIONARY" paint already faded........patiently waited for correction......)......but nobody bothers...
I made a bold move.....and I told a teacher.....please....correct it ASAP.........
Finally.....the teacher made a very fast action....painted the wall of the bookstore and no more spelling mistake to worry.........as the word "STATIONARY" was well covered by the paint!!
p/s: the picture...is not related to this story anyway.....it's was in New zealnd....
a 'complement'ary compliment to you
orang New Zealand tu nak cakap benda tu tak dijual..dok statinary kat situ aje, so jangan pandai2 nak ubah or nak ambik..betul gak gitu???
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