I feel great.....because I have ample time to do some write-ups.....actually an article for a publication in a journal.....However, I love blogging too since it can release my stress....a lot actually....and I really trying hard to avoid any politically motivated type of writing....because it may fine to me.....but it may offensive to others...or even worst........it may insult others as well......But as a professional and academician...I strongly confident that.....it would be better to discuss something more significant.......about our economy condition. For me......it's better to write something related to current economy turnmoil.......what will be the challeges ahead as our currency is weaken......(USD$1.00=3.72786 MYR).....I admire TDM......as a great leader......his ability to talk something not in his area of expertise is very brilliant. I follow his blog and put special attention on issues related to economy...he writes a lot of issues.....but nonetheless....it worthwhile to read but I'm interested to read about economy.....especially the global impact of economy crisis......
sorry bebanyak pak anjang. i know i should not be rambling here but it is very difficult to restrain myself from not doing so simply because i am a woman with a lot of thoughts...hence nak interfrem sikit pasal the comments in your previous entry.. pokok
i don't understand la ..people who hide behind that anonymous stamp. You have something to say, say it out front...what are you afraid of???? losing friends, losing your jobs, losing respect??...well, the sad reality is that if these were meant to be taken away as Allah (s.w.t) granted it then it will be, no matter how one assumed that one can save it by being anonymous....
I am not going to preach here about politics because this is ain't my territory but then again I just want to show you how to make a stand loud and clear...not in any form of anonymous. I am not an UM-No. I am a MUSLIMAH from PAS of course. No matter what you say do or think will make me budge away from my solid stand. So, I don't mind any of you slashings because i'll be smiling away in triumph for at least i know i have the power to provoke people to be truthful . Stand up bravely and confidently for the things you believe in life. Dare to take up the challenge ???????????
ya ampun pak anjang...
k.naza....true....whatever you feel, whatever you do as long as according to your principles....policies.....it's ok....it shows your consistency......philosophy
for me...it doesn't matter......which faction .....you stand....it's just a simple life....too short to enjoy.... anyway....make you budge away from your solid stand? No...I don't have that much time to confidently persuade people budging away from their doctrine....
actually...those who use anon...it's also ok...he/she deserves to do that....nobody bothers anyway whatever he/she wants to comment......afraid of losing friends??respects?jobs? I'm not so sure about that....err.....it's still can be traced the IP address anyway..... so it is possible to know who is the anon......if I want to......but...it's not my style....let it be.....anons add more funs in my blog.....Umno,pas, pr,dap,mca,etc or not is the point here....I'm not registered to any political party....but I do observe politics....a lot of things can be evaluated/assessed in politics.....
The leaders of various political parties are very energetic.....to capitalise any opportunities available...but even worst...a friend suggests..."too many idiots are politicians"....but...I'm not sure what political parties he isreferring to.....
Sometimes.....it's just a gimmick....or for me it's just like raja lawak.....the talented person is casted out through sms....and the luckier ones is survived....due to sentiment.....
so, please watch raja lawak finale tonite....cheers
salam ...sebagai pelajar saya merasakan ada kaitan yang kuat antara ekonomi dan politik...sebagai ahli akademik rasanya tuan tak perlu takut untuk kaitkan kedua2 keadaan...sama lah kalau ulama yang tak berani nak kaitkan politik...asyik2 cakap pasal zakat, fekah aje..
hidup uum...
Politik adalah sebahagian dari agama . Walau pun tuntutan berpolitik hanya fardu kifayah tetapi ada parti politik yang menyeru kpd yang maaruf dan menegah kpd kemungkaran, seperti PAS, sebab itu kita perlu berjuang melalui PAS.
UMNO tidak berjuang atas dasar ini. Mereka mempertahankan bangsa melebihi dari pertahankan agama ,yang dipanggil asobiyah, yang sangat dilarang oleh agama.
tak minat raja lawak la pak anjang..study, study, study ptk bulan depan...lagi lawak kalu dapat 1,1...he..he..he
by the way...the budging solid stand / slashing thing is not for you laaaaa...it's for that 'handsome' anonymous guy..berprasangka baik..or perhaps a voluptuous lady or even .....whom ever you are, hope you have a nice day...
salam....dear readers, really enjoyed reading your comments in my blog. As I said....I would prefer to look something in different perspectives....i.e. politics....It it not the issue of who contributes most to what......
It is the issue of who can contribute MOST for the benefits of all....and as a Muslim....I would prefer to take opportunity to contribute something valuable to my nations.....
a student commented to me....I'm not sure what is going on in Malaysia...." and I asked her...why?....her answer really surprised me...."I don't like to read newspaper...."
It's not a sin not to read a newspaper...and it's also not a sin to read newspaper.....however....what I can suggest to her was....please use your valuable time in university to obtain...grab...any opportunities to develope your competencies......"
To anons 7.10pm and 5.09am....it's mutually agreed with comments.....that every single Muslim individual must put stong effort to ensure Islam will flourish as ever....
To all readers..especially Inventory Management module...please study hard for your final exam & wish you all the best
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