25/3/2010.....at 11.28am....This was the moment of truth in my life. A stressful 50 minutes ended...finally. After a 2-minute break...the chairman of the viva voce called me back to the Abdus Sallam room for my
viva voce verdict. "Congratulations....Dr. Halim....and welcome to the Phd club".....Prof. Amir, the chairman of the viva voce announced.......I nearly collapsed....and even my tears were anxiously wanted to show their supports as well... I've been waiting for nearly four years to hear this....and alhamdulillah...in this memorable day, I finally achieved it. But, of course I need to do some corrections and submit my thesis to my supervisor for approval before final submission to the graduate school.....
Thanks a lot to my mom, my lovely wife, along and adik, brothers and sisters.....families and friends.....my ex-students...etc....
My supervisor, of course, he's really special....and very helpful.....
Thank you very much!!
Congrats Dr. Halim. You deserved it.
Congratulation.....Dr Halim!
Hi MK and Angle....thank you very much...wish both of you all the best in your future....
Tahniah Dr.Halim atas usaha keras selama ini.Pasti masa depan lebih cerah
mazlizan....t.kasih. semoga en mazlizan akan turut lebih cemerlang lagi dalam kerjaya dan hidup lebih bahagia.
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