I'm happy as my wife delivered our 3rd child on Friday, 13/8/2010@INS Specialist Alor Setar. I've been in the labor room with my wife to support her during the glorious moments. So emotional....and happy of course. Along & adik Amir were so excited with their new little brother...
Feel great and know very big responsibility ahead.....
salam dr. halim..
tahniah 4 ur new baby...
comel sgt..
ur stdent
-nurul ezrin
salam sir...
congrate for baby boy...
kegembiraan berganda la....
anak ramadhan lg tue...
hope Allah always bless you and d'family..amin
nurul, hidayah & angel: tqvm...
Tahniah Dr. Moga ia menambah seri untuk ramadhan dan hari raya nanti. ibertambah lagi HERO... :)
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