I was posted something in FB....about the flood incident....and as I expected, some of my friends responded accordingly. It didn't matter for me because I always believe everyone has the right to express his/her opinion. But, when it comes to the flood incident, I was so irritated to hear some people are very defensive, i.e. accusing the electrified double-tracking project as the main culprit.
Kedah is very unique as it receives rains throughout the year. But, the rain falls will defer from month to month. However, on 1 November 2010, the rain falls for Kedah and Perlis showed surprised statistics.

I've read a blog illustrated the flood incident and provided very good insight. Please check this link. The river level also increased drastically within few hours. JPS (Irrigation and Drainage Department) provides the statistics of a river in Kedah as below.

For me, the basic point for argument is very simple, you must have data to support your justification.....and please be prepared for other's point of view as well.......
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