There are so many people talking about marriage lately, especially, teenage marriage. A girl, aged 14 got married last week and many people offered their views. Some agreed...some did not agree....of course with various reasons and excuses.
Should they be allowed to marry under age (below 18)? It's not a big deal anyway. Some say, it's too young for girl to be getting married, and it will tarnish their education opportunities......and they won't be able to sustain in the marriage.....
Actually, anything must be viewed in both perspectives.....positive and negative. Do some analyses....get some data and demonstrate which one is better choice. Personally, I think if a 14 years girl eagerly wants to get married....go ahead.....and I wish her all the best.....
Unexpected things might be happened if she does not allowed to be married....
secara peribadi ...saya rasa 14 tahun tu muda sangat la tuan. Betui jodoh pertemuan di tangan tuhan ..tapi kalau boleh kita elakkan baguih la jugak ...
BB.....semua benda ada pro & kon....mmg la...dari segi umoq...masih fresh.....tapi...mukin...dia plan nk sambung study...masa depan...masuk oum kot....
la ni hang bukan x tau...yg pakai tudung tp dh ada pengalaman berzina...bukannya sikit...sebab tu la...mukin mak bapak dia...suruh kawin aja....kita doa moga2 dia bahagia smp akhirat..amin
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