Ramdhan is coming...just around the corner. Only few are making preparations for this holy month. Some are preparing for the by-election, some are concerning more about H1N1, some just cannot afford to miss EPL live telecasts, some may treat Ramadhan as ordinary month....I should have done something though. I'll try my best to ensure all the things done in this special month will be judged and rewarded by Allah The Almighty accordingly. Fasting is not just to feel the hunger, it's beyond that.....
Selamat berpuasa! Semoga semua amalan kita akan dilimpahi rahmat Allah swt.
**boi & cik dah, selamat berpuasa......
Salam ramadan al mubarak
salam pakkaramu: selamat menjalani ibadah & semoga amal kita akan dilimpahi rahmat Allah swt
tenkiu paknjang...semoga ibadah kita diberkati & dirahmati Allah S.W.T... makan sedap2 ingat kat kami :)
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