Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Shocking news.....

  • Today, researchers from USM reported about porcine gelatin substance used in the capsule for medications. Congrats to Assoc. Prof. Gam Lay Harn and Assoc. Prof. Syed Azhar Syed Sulaiman, , and also to Higher Education Ministry to offer Research University Grant (RM300,000.00) to them. Read more here
    It's really surprised me. Are there any possibilities of some of us might be taken these capsules?It can not be argued anymore, in Islam, forbidden is forbidden, it doesn't matter how many percentage of the gelatin used...and newspapers reported that more than 30% of 100 products tested were using porcine gelatin substance....
  • Last week, a tragic incident happened and 3 pupils passed away.....due to a collapsed suspension bridge. As usual, many parties were pointing their fingers to others. What is the actual cause? It's still under investigation and hopefully the full report will be announced to public.
  • Few days ago, an ambulance involved in an accident suspected due to exploded tyre and 1 Immigration officer died. I'm just wondering whether the driver or the relevant parties are checking the condition of the ambulance regularly. It is about maintenance anyway. As long as the operator (in this case, the driver) knows the equipment (ambulance) condition, he/she will able to detect any abnormality of the equipment deterioration. I always believe on that. This is the essence of Total Productive Maintenance, to make sure any person who operates the equipment to regularly check and clean the equipment. Hence, this allow any abnormalities, i.e. loose screw, missing bolts, leakages etc. can be detected and remedy action can be taken.

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