Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A viral infections fever...

My youngest son is recovering well from a viral infections fever. It's an abnormal fever as the temperature started to escalate back after few hours we've given him medication though. That's why we've decided to take him for paediatrician two days ago. The fever started on Friday noon and we thought it's just ordinary fever. The fever became worsen as he couldn't sleep in the night and of course my wife and I also didn't have enough sleep as well ( my wife suffered most.......I guess..)
Luckily, now my son is able to demonstrate back his agility and very active. His cough also shows some improvements. I think...the early symptom of this fever is his cough. We've been to paediatrician to diagnose the level of this cough. Tomorrow will be another appointment with the paediatrician and hopefully my son's will show fully recovery.

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