Thursday, November 10, 2011

Proposal Defense versus Colloqium

I still remember the moment......when my PhD proposal defense took place back in 2006. It's was very stressful.....and luckily I've gone through with a major corrections. I took 6 months for the corrections. But, I've learnt a lot from my PhD.  It's always about how to justify things with strong and convincing materials. It's about to explain things confidently with strong evidences and proofs.
I always attend a proposal defense session in my school in UUM. But, the atmosphere is different as the examiners are really "helpful". They are giving their opinions, suggestions rather than asking the candidate to justify, for instance, sample selection, research method etc.
I'm  not sure, if some of the PhD candidates go through the proposal defense in School of Management, USM....and what will happen.....

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